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Decision Making Masterclass

Created By One Of The Leading Decision Scientist In The World

Learn how to make better, faster decisions, when it REALLY matters... in life and in business.


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Why is it often so difficult to make important decisions with confidence?
Our heart is telling us to do one thing. 

Our head is telling us to do the opposite. 

We reach out to those we trust, but they all have different opinions.

And then we are stuck… not knowing what to do...
Ultimately, you want to make decisions that are good for you, the people around you and that you won't regret in the future...
The Most Popular Decision-Making Methods Are Unfortunately Prone To Error...
The two most popular methods used to make important decisions are asking for another person's opinion or using a form of Benjamin Franklin's simple pros/cons list dating back to 1772.

Another person can offer a fresh point of view on a decision, but we usually seek out advisors who will confirm our biases.

Although pros/cons lists can help us slow down our thinking and expose our biases, it's easy to get stuck if we cannot find a common utility (such as time or money) to compare the pros with the cons.
With All The Progress In Decision Science, Over The Past 250 Years
Surely, There Must Be A Better Way To Make Decisions...

My name is Dr. Alan Barnard

For the past 30 years, I have been developing a decision-making method to help people make better, faster decisions when it really matters.

The method has been developed to give anyone facing an important decision a more holistic and complete approach to their decision.

I call my method the ProConCloud Method.

The ProConCloud Method has been tested in 138 countries with individuals, organizations, and governments to make THOUSANDS of important decisions, where the outcome is good for them personally and everyone else involved!

138 Countries 
Has Benefited From
The ProConCloud Method 

900+ Organizations
Across The World Use 
The ProConCloud Method

7000+ Important Decisions
Have Been Made Using
The ProConCloud Method

"Every time I use the ProConCloud method, it opens up many new win: win options I had not considered before. It helped me realize the best option to grow my business."
- Tracy S. 
"I was agonizing over a decision for several months...
I realized within just a few hours that the right decision was to leave corporate life and, more importantly, when the right time would be to leaveThank you, Dr. Alan Barnard!"
- Dr. Hadi N.
My goal is to help more people make better, faster decisions that they won't regret.
That is why I have created the Decision-Making Masterclass...

I took all the BEST knowledge and insights I have gained over the past 30 years of research, development, and testing and turned it into this 3-Hour Masterclass.

The Decision-Making Masterclass

You Will Learn In 3-Hours,
What Took Me 30 YEARS Of Research and Development To Discover!

Here are a few of the things you will learn…

  • ​​​The simple 5-Step ProConCloud Method to help you make better, faster decisions!
  • ​You will understand why it is so easy to make bad decisions, and so hard to learn from them when you do.
  • ​​Simple questions, to help you understand what decisions are really important to you.  
  • Easy strategies to collaborate with others to make better decisions.
  • ​​A new way of thinking to save yourself days, or even weeks, of frustration not knowing what do decide, and begin to make decisions with confidence in less than a few hours.

Value Guarantee or Money-back!

If you did not learn anything or get any value from this Decision-making Masterclass, then we'll give you your money back!

You must have watched at least 80% of the videos in the masterclass to be eligible for a refund.

If you did not learn anything or get value from the Decision-making Masterclass, then we'll give you your money back!

You must have watched at least 80% of the videos in the masterclass to be eligible for a refund.

Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With The Decision-Making Masterclass

Decision-Making Masterclass using the ProConCloud Method ($597 Value)
Decision-Making Bonus Videos ($50 Value)

This Is What You Will Get With This Decision-Making Masterclass

  • Decision-Making Masterclass ($597 Value)
  • Video 1: Introduction 
  • Video 2: Step 1 - My/Our Problem and Why it is Important to Resolve
  • Video 3: Step 2 - Defining "My" and "Their" Decision Conflicts
  • ​Video 4: Step 3 - Resolving Our Decision Conflicts With 4 New Win:Win Options
  • Video 5: Step 4 - Creating A "Yes-But" Plan 
  • Video 6: Step 5 - Designing An Experiment To Test Your New Win:Win Option

(This masterclass is the equivalent of our in-person Odyssey event, as the methods and ideas presented are the same- valued at $597)

  • Bonus Content ($50 Value)
  • These video resources will show you examples of how others have applied the method in real life
  • Get access to a presentation of how to improve your and other's mental health using the method.
  • Get a deeper understanding of the method and how it can be applied for all your important decisions.

Total Value: $647

Get Access To Everything Mentioned Above RIGHT NOW...

For Just $99

Limited Time Offer: $59

Remember to use code: 40OFF
at checkout to get the summer discount!

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Save yourself the time and frustration, and let me give you the best knowledge and insights that took me 30 years of research and development to discover! 
The time investment that's required from you is 3-Hours of listening...

We truly believe that this decision-making masterclass can help you
We believe this because this masterclass will give you the same methods that have helped thousands of individuals and organizations throughout the world make tough decisions. 

As mentioned before, if you did not learn anything or get any value from this masterclass, then we will refund the money you invested into this masterclass!

What People Say About The ProConCloud Method

"In only one day, I was able to solve a decision/problem that was hanging over me like a dark cloud since a year ago. So thank you Dr Alan Barnard for the amazing workshop. I strongly recommend the Harmony Decision Maker App which helps me to solve all my business and private decisions, solutions and problems (everything that is important for me). It was so valuable and I gained so many new insights!"
Lenka Keenhen, Entrepreneur - Original
"I'm enjoying the course a lot; the way the whole process is explained is amazing."
Mario G.
"I have found the ProConCloud method immensely useful in helping me with my toughest decisions. For example,  I used the method to determine whether to leave corporate life in pursuit of entrepreneurial life, or whether to remain in corporate life. Now, this is a decision that I had been agonizing over for several months. I used the ProConCloud method to lay out all of the important decision factors in a logical and methodical way. And by doing so, I was able to clearly see - within just a few hours - that the right decision was to leave corporate life, and more importantly, when the right time would be to leave. Now using Dr Alan Barnard's Harmony Decision Maker App and applying the ProConCloud method in the app, I could see the overall picture in a clear and structured way, tap into my intuition, and make a decision that both felt right internally and was supported by a logical and methodical approach. Thank you Dr Alan Barnard!"
Dr Hadi Nosseir, Entrepreneur - Original
"It's always an excellent experience to hear Dr. Alan Barnard and gain insights from his deep knowledge of the subject."
- Vinit Kumar M.


"In just one day, I resolved a decision that had been bothering me for a year."
- Lenka K.

Dr. Barry Morgenstern
Board Certified Behaviour Analyst

Dr. Barry Morgenstern
Board Certified Behaviour Analyst

Debbie Roberts
Ollie Foundation

Debbie Roberts
Ollie Foundation

Kary Bheemaiah
Chief Innovation Officer
Capgemini Invent

Kary Bheemaiah
Chief Innovation Officer
Capgemini Invent

Anthony Nathan

Anthony Nathan

"This course taught me how to deal with really important problems in my life."
- Andreas L.

Natasha Devon MBE
Mental Health Activist and Advisor

Natasha Devon MBE
Mental Health Activist and Advisor

Suzanne Ravenall
The Effectiveness Company 
and The Ravenall Institute

Suzanne Ravenall
The Effectiveness Company 
and The Ravenall Institute

If you're ready to invest in coaching with Dr. Barnard,
Click the button below to learn more about the different options!

If you are unsure whether Dr. Barnard could help YOU and YOUR TEAM...
Dr. Barnard is willing to have a 30-minute call at NO COST to you!
Click the button below to register your interest in having a call with Dr. Barnard!

Henry Bosa
Chief Information Officer
Retail Banking - First National Bank

Henry Bosa
Chief Information Officer
Retail Banking - First National Bank

Jay Abraham

"The man is a genius who's able to take his brilliance and distill it down to elegant simplicity.
His ability to come up with mammoth identified ways to make the upside higher, the downside less, the timeline faster, minimize capital investment, minimize wasteful inventory. He really is a brilliant man, and I can't commend him to enough people. Anybody would gain unimaginable benefit by at least talking through your situation with him, I encourage you to seek the man out and he's a very, very, very good investment."

- Jay Abraham

Jay Abraham

"The man is a genius who's able to take his brilliance and distill it down to elegant simplicity.
His ability to come up with mammoth identified ways to make the upside higher, the downside less, the timeline faster, minimize capital investment, minimize wasteful inventory. He really is a brilliant man, and I can't commend him to enough people. Anybody would gain unimaginable benefit by at least talking through your situation with him, I encourage you to seek the man out and he's a very, very, very good investment."

- Jay Abraham

If you have any questions, or wish to purchase this masterclass as a gift for someone, 
email and we will help you.

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